Twilight Indonesia

Pertama kali baca buku Stephanie Meyer yang berjudul "Twilight",dan gw denger nie buku udah dalam proses pembuatan film pasti and i'm SURE this movies gonna be a BIG Movies..
Yeahh..well from the first premiere in USA, film ini udah ngedapetin US $ 70.000.000
anyway, i like Twilight quote:

"if you can live forever, what do you live for?"

i addicted with Edward Cullen, jadi gw googling dan nyari komunitas yang berbau TWILIGHT..
Finally, gw gabung sama beberapa komunitas, there are:

But,mostly i prefer the last one..soalnya orang indonesia semuanya..
Waktu akhir November kemarin gw udah sempet ikutan gathering komunitas Twilight Indonesia and soo much fun to be there..talking about Edward Cullen and Alice Cullen the most character in Twilight that i really like..

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